Hi, I'm MAKHGAL Ganbold

Mathematician, Statistician, Web Developer, Photographer


Mathematician, Statistician, Web Developer, Photographer

My name is Makhgal Ganbold. My friends call me Galaa. I'm a mathematician, a statistician, a teacher, a web developer, a photographer, a husband and a father of my little son & daughter.

I have been working as a lecturer at the National University of Mongolia since 2009. I teach statistics and I'm an expert in R language. There are R packages in CRAN, which are contributed by Me and I'm still maintaining it. Also I have been working as a freelance web developer since 2011. I develop Joomla Extensions.

My hobbies are web development, programming, taking photography, riding a bicycle, collecting the greatest movies especially animations and listening to the rock music. I love open source and free software such as Linux, LaTeX and R. I have a lot of experience in using them. I use open-source programs and operating systems every day.



  1. R language training
  2. R package development
  3. Statistical consulting


  1. Introduction to Probability and Statistics
    The original title is "Магадлал Статистикийн Удиртгал".
  2. R Statistical Programming Language
    The original title is "Статистик програмчлалын R хэл".
  3. Multivariate Analysis - Theory and Application with R
    The original title is "Олон хэмжээст өгөгдлийн статистик шинжилгээ - Онол, R програм дээрх хэрэглээ".
  4. R Statistical Programming Language (2nd edition)
    The original title is "Статистик програмчлалын R хэл".


  1. Python handbook
    The original title is "Python хэл".

R packages

  1. simukde: Simulation with Kernel Density Estimation
  2. NSO1212: National Statistical Office of Mongolia's Open Data API Handler for R

LaTeX Classes and Templates

  1. The FinalExamZ document class for exam preparation
  2. The template for presentations, handouts, lecture notes on Beamer
  3. The template for exercises

Web sites

I was developed several web sites including www.JExtBOX.com and www.UBMBC.com.

Joomla Extensions

Joomla Extensions, which are developed by Me, are published on the JExtBOX.com.


  1. Miscellaneous Photos
  2. Mountain Biking Photos