- R language training
- R package development
- Statistical consulting
- Introduction to Probability and Statistics
The original title is "Магадлал Статистикийн Удиртгал". - R Statistical Programming Language
The original title is "Статистик програмчлалын R хэл". - Multivariate Analysis - Theory and Application with R
The original title is "Олон хэмжээст өгөгдлийн статистик шинжилгээ - Онол, R програм дээрх хэрэглээ". - R Statistical Programming Language (2nd edition)
The original title is "Статистик програмчлалын R хэл".
- Python handbook
The original title is "Python хэл".
R packages
- simukde: Simulation with Kernel Density Estimation
- NSO1212: National Statistical Office of Mongolia's Open Data API Handler for R
LaTeX Classes and Templates
- The FinalExamZ document class for exam preparation
- The template for presentations, handouts, lecture notes on Beamer
- The template for exercises
Web sites
I was developed several web sites including and
Joomla Extensions
Joomla Extensions, which are developed by Me, are published on the